My Blog List

Saturday 30 June 2012

School Holidays and Stocktake.

Well, we are on school holidays for the next four weeks - actually 3 now as we have spent the first week of the break stocktaking the collection.  This includes everything in the Library, the storeroom and the Bookroom in F block.  (And I just realised we forgot all the resources in Science!) Looks like we are back on Monday to finish the job. 

The job has also meant lots of cleaning, reorganising and some new ideas for displaying said resources.  Everything feels fresher and more inviting, and hopefully the staff and students will feel the same way.

Next task on the agenda is to get the Library and Literacy lessons ready to go for the Year 7s.  We have been updating the program and trying to make it more technology based.  I have been taking part in the Web 2 course provided by Syba Signs so we have lots of new ideas to play around with.  We are looking forward to trying them out with the students.

Hope everyone is enjoying their break.  See you all again in 3 weeks time.

Friday 15 June 2012

United Nations & Library Lessons

Lots of work has been happening in the Library recently - especially with the end of Semester 1 on the horizon.  Even though 4 weeks break is coming up fast, there is lots still to do and some very busy little bee's working hard.

 After a visit from the UN Youth delegation, the Year 10s have been learning about the United Nations as well as Human Rights issues and have begun to put together a display in the Library. Their task is to have an in depth look at human rights ledgers.

Coming up next semester is a display on the 2012 Olympics, and we are also in the throes of creating a brand new and improved Year seven library lesson program. QR codes, Wordles, the Dewey rap song and playing around with Prezi. Carrie and I are both very excited about things that are coming up in the next couple of months.

We will do our very best to keep this blog updated with the things that are going on. Next week will be a post about stocktake, and a report on how many people we have had to hound to get items back. It would be good to make it a complete return of items with nothing outstanding. We are happy to tag anything and re-issue it next term.  You just have to ask!

Have a great weekend - and week 10 next week.  Bring it on!