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Monday, 27 August 2012

Library Classes and QR Codes

Well, we are into week 3 of our Library classes and we have had a few successes.

The QR Code Hunt in week 2 was very popular - I'm not sure whether it was the iPads or the QR code hunt itself, but the students got right into it.

We had 22 QR codes pinned up around the Library and they used the iPads to read the codes and then answered the questions that came up on the screen.  It was a fun way of them getting to know the layout of the Library and some of the different resources available here.

With all the free QR code generators out there it is so easy to make up your own QR codes with whatever you want the students to learn or revise - and they love it.  The senior students in the Library watched it all happen and are now asking questions about QR codes and checking out the magazines and book trailers using the codes. 

Just to give you a idea of what I am talking about, read the QR code here and send us a comment with the answer to the question.  You can download a free QR code reader onto your iPhone or smart phone - quite handy as most magazines, books etc all provide loads of information via QR codes.

This week has been about research skills and using Boolean operators to refine your search.  I think the highlight there was sticking words to the window - way out of my reach as they are at least as tall than me, and can jump higher -  but hey, whatever works for them.  Obviously they learnt something as well because no-one had a problem with the worksheet.  (And I found a Year 9 student to get all the words off the window for me!)

We have just finished processing a pile of new fiction books which are now on display and ready for borrowing.  So come and take a look.  If there is something particular that you would like, come and talk to us and we will do our best to get hold of it for you.

Have an awesome week.