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Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Reading Hour and Holidays

August 19th from 6-7pm is the day and time set for The Reading Hour, which is an event that grew from the National Year of Reading 2013. William McInnes has been announced as the ambassador for the 2014 event.
Check out this link for more information:
This could be an ideal time to promote reading in the classroom or at home. Personally, I would think that it doesn’t have to actually run from 6pm onwards, but at a time that is convenient. Maybe a read-in evening, a shared story-telling activity, a morning or afternoon tea with pages read from favourite books, a book and bookmark swap…. anyone have other suggestions? Maybe we could make this a Library event?
On a high note, I have recently had a win with getting a handful of very reluctant readers with their noses in books. They hadn't come across 'Choose your Own' novels before, and it looks like we are going to need some more because they have read almost all we have in the Library - in the last 3 days! Lots of time has been spent sprawled on my office floor reading and sharing books, or searching the shelves for more books.  And isn't that what it is all about?

 With school holidays coming up in a couple of days, and cold, windy, miserable weather outside, it sounds like it is the perfect time to snuggle up with a hot chocolate and a BIG pile of reading material. Get some of that work/life balance happening and enjoy some downtime. 

Wishing you all a wonderful mid-year break, and let’s do it all again next semester.