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Monday, 19 June 2017

Web Links

Below are a couple of links to check out.  

Both are infographics, so hopefully should catch the students interest enough for them to at least take a look.  
The first one is tips for evaluating fake news headlines and the second covers Boolean commands for searching.  Boolean searches are shortcuts to find what you need quickly and more effectively, rather than wading through thousands, if not millions of sites, looking for that small nugget of information.      (infographic)   (Boolean Search Commands - Infographic)

Friday, 9 June 2017

Unusual Improbable Libraries

Libraries just don't seem to be dying out despite all the predictions otherwise.  In fact, they seem to be popping up everywhere in all sorts of places and styles.  

Check out the link below for some of the more 'improbable' libraries seen around the world. This has been taken from a book with the same title by English journalist Alex Johnson.  

It all goes to show that the Library is a very adaptable artefact that apparently has no intention of being killed off any time soon - and is a definite testament to peoples ideas and ingenuity.

Enjoy the long weekend - only one more left in the year after this one so make the most of them. Judging by the weather, a good book or two and a great coffee or hot chocolate would probably be the way to go.