My Blog List

Monday, 26 August 2019

Genre Display Update

I've updated the Genre Display - and it's Horror this week.  

Included in the display is a 'Choose Your Own' story.  These books give you the opportunity to choose how the story runs because as you get to the end of each chapter, you make a choice as to where you'll go.  Therefore, you can have multiple stories in the same book - and different endings to each. 

These have proven popular with the students - and they are not big books, so even the unconfident readers are usually prepared to give it a go.

Wednesday, 21 August 2019

Mindshift Weblinks

Below are a few weblinks from the MindShift website that caught my attention.  Take a few minutes and check them out for yourselves.

Displays and so on.

Currently I have a small mini display happening in the Library that I am planning to update each week (or so) covering various Genres in the Fiction area.

The one out at the moment is a collection of SPORT titles, and my plan is to try and work my way through most of the Genres in the hopes of catching students interest - as well as giving an understanding of what the pictures on the spines of the books actually mean, and how it can make it easier to choose a book. 

Mr Eckart also has a variety of display boards and posters that his class have done on Indigenous Language and Culture that he updates regularly, and Nurse Beck also regularly updates her board depending on what is happening in her area.  Huge thanks to both of you for keeping it current - and for saving me lots of time.  

We also have a small display of books concerning India tucked in a corner near the magazines which has proven popular for students wanting to flick through stuff - especially the Graphic Novels about Indian myths and legends.