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Friday, 22 May 2020

National Science Week 2020 - advance notice...

Check out the link above for National Science week 2020.  
I'm getting in early, I know, but mainly because there are apparently grants available here in the Northern Territory to support activity that draws the community’s attention towards science, enabling people to participate in science whilst fostering partnerships between the community, research organisations and industry.

The school theme of National Science Week 2020 is Deep Blue: innovations for the future of our oceans’.   With this in mind, it will embrace the innovative technologies, capabilities and skills needed to achieve economic, environmental and social sustainability of our oceans. It will feature insights and inquiries into workable solutions that generate healthy oceans, healthy economies and healthy communities.
There are grants available of up to $500 to support National Science Week activities in schools and help them to conduct a STEM related activity during that period.   May be worth a look ...

Friday, 8 May 2020

Edutopia Articles

Below are a few weblinks taken from the Edutopia site.  I have a selected a few which cover a variety of things (compost to equity and more).  I'm trying to cover most of the learning areas that I can think of.  This is once again an American site - but there may still be a few nuggets of ideas buried within it that could be of some help. 

Take a quick squiz if you get a few free moments.  Not being a teacher, I can only make a guess at what may be helpful.  Hopefully, I'm somewhere in the right ballpark?

Also, if there is something that has happened in your class that you would like me to put up on here, or a link or idea that you would like to share - please send it through to me.