My Blog List

Friday, 16 December 2022

End of Term 4 2022

 Just a quick last post to wish you all a wonderful Christmas with family & friends as well as a fantastic New Year. 

For those of you who are leaving us - all the best in your new endeavours! 

For the rest of you - we'll see you all back here in 2023 to do it all again - and here's hoping that it will be a much better year! 

At this point, I am not planning to continue with this blog as I don't feel that I am providing a service to you all with this. It's been a good run for the last 11 years and I have learnt a lot in the process - and for that, I thank you all. 

Enjoy your break - and remember to take time to READ!  

Thursday, 8 December 2022

Weblinks of Interest

Please see below for a few weblinks that may be of interest - reading, media literacy, robotics.. the choice is wide.

My apologies for a lack of posting just lately but things have been a little hectic.  

I am also considering closing down this Blog - as I feel that it is not of a lot of use to you all.  I can throw all the weblinks and 'stuff' I find at you, as much as I like - but if I'm not hitting the target with what could be helpful, I am wasting your time and probably mine as well. 

Just over a week to go to the end of the year - and we can all see the light at the end of the tunnel!  As long as it's not an oncoming train, we'll all be good. 

Monday, 10 October 2022

Term 4 and Cyber Awareness Month

 Welcome back to school and Term 4!  10 weeks to go! Lets make it a good one.

October is Cyber Security Awareness Month - which is pretty topical considering the Optus issue.  So please take a few moments to read through the emails coming from Head Office and check out your security. 

Check out Phishing, Smishing, Vishing and Spearphishing ... sounds like a play on words, doesn't it?   But they are actually serious attempts to hack your devices and your information - and there are ways to deal with it all.        (includes a cyber smart quiz) 

Wednesday, 21 September 2022

Banned Books Week

Banned Books Week is from 18th Sept to 24th Sept and is about censorship and not allowing people the freedom to read, understand and make their own choices.  

The theme for 2022 is:  'Books Unite Us, Censorship Divides Us'.  

Currently there is a small display up in the Library about banned books - mainly just with the titles that we have in the school.  These are not books that are currently banned - but are ones that HAVE been banned at some point, along with the reasoning as to why they were banned.  I haven't added the Bible to this, as we no longer have it on the shelf - but even that has been banned at some point.  

Surprisingly, the display has generated some discussion (and even indignation) from a number of our students - which is fantastic!

Edutopia Weblinks on Reading and Literacy

A couple of articles from the Edutopia website on Literacy, Reading and using comics and Graphic Novels.  

Using Comics and Graphic Novels to Support Literacy | Edutopia

Is it Time to Drop ‘Finding the Main Idea’ and Teach Reading in a New Way? | Edutopia

Take a look if you get a few moments and see what you think. 

Tuesday, 23 August 2022

Links for Digital Citizenship Ideas

 Digital Citizenship Week is coming up in Term 4 - so I have added a few links that may (or may not) be of some use.  

The first one is a quiz about digital citizenship - are your students good digital citizens?  This quiz may help you find out. 

The second one is an updated version of a Digital Citizenship Survival Kit, as sometimes a visual thing can have more impact than any words you can say.  I have blogged about this one before - but the teacher has now put up an updated/improved version with his reasons for each item.  What do you think? 

And the last one is from, with information and ideas.

The "New and Improved" Digital Citizenship Survival Kit - A Teacher, Coach & Dad (

Monday, 22 August 2022

The Internet & our Brain - Monday Musing

Something to think about on a Monday morning - Is Google (and FaceBook, Twitter and all the rest) making us stupid? Is the Internet changing our brains? How many of us can remember information any more? Or is it just that there is SO much information available that we cannot process it as we used to? 

And, are we all becoming trapped in a filter bubble of our own making? Some experts have been warning about this for at  least the last 10 years or so, and with all the talk about Fake News, it does seem more topical than ever. 

Maybe the real question is - does it really matter? This is the reality that our students live in so can we change it? Do we need to? 

When you have some spare time, maybe check out the websites below and see what you think.\   TED Talk on Filter Bubbles  - Eli Pariser

Thursday, 18 August 2022

Digital Reading vs Print reading.

If you get a chance, take a moment and check out this infographic from Teacher magazine about students reading habits.  

I was interested by the point made that most students who read paper style books usually score at least 30 points higher on most standard tests, and those who read digital books usually only score about 15 points higher.  

It has been found that text learning was less effective on screen than on paper - mainly because the brain will process digital reading differently to how it does with reading from print.  

Infographic: Student reading in a digital age (

Wednesday, 17 August 2022

Special Days and Months Term 3

 Every month of the year - there are always special days to celebrate, or to support something.  Below are a few for August and the start of September.  There are plenty more - maybe something to generate a conversation?

August is the month for the MS Readathon - and the period of August to October is the Great Northern Cleanup - like Clean Up Australia Day - but at a better time of year for those of us living up here. 

Great Northern Clean Up

 Clean Up Australia
The Great Northern Clean Up, an event of Clean Up Australia, takes place during the months of August, September and October - a time of year which is more suitable for communities living in the tropical North.
Since the campaign started in 2009 more than 30,000 volunteers have removed the equivalent of 1,800 ute loads of rubbish from 813 sites north of the Tropic of Capricorn. 
This year the event is taking place during the months of August-October when an estimated 3,851 volunteers have already removed around 277 ute loads of rubbish from 126 sites across northern Western Australia, the Northern Territory and Queensland.

 02 8197 3412

MS Readathon - One month challenge

 Multiple Sclerosis Limited (MSL)
The MS Readathon is a reading-based fundraiser run by Multiple Sclerosis Australia (MSA). It encourages people of all ages to read and improve their literacy whilst at the same time raising their community awareness and empowering them to make a difference in the lives of people living with MS.

 1300 677 323

 Fight Cancer Foundation
Fight Cancer Foundation's Footy Colours Day is a national community fundraising campaign that helps kids with cancer keep up with school. Join thousands of Australians by wearing your favourite team's colours and hosting an event at your school, organisation, group or club to raise much needed funds!

Wattle Day     1st Sept
 Wattle Day Association
Wattle Day is oriented towards the future, encompassing positive virtues in the celebration of Australia and the Australian spirit.

Monday, 15 August 2022

Collective Nouns and Librarians

A discussion has been happening on the TL listserv just recently about collective nouns - and what would be the best suggestion for a group of Librarians.  Yes, I know ... the things we do! 

Below are some of the suggestions that have been made - what do you think? Personally, I like the idea of a community of librarians orweb of librarians.... however does anyone have any other suggestions?

A catalogue of
A web of
A gripe of
A genius of
A Dewey of
A Google of
A database of
A collaboration of
A community of
A full text of
A Boolean of
A shoosh of
A hush of
A coven of

For anyone that likes words, especially collective nouns - check out this site:

While we are talking words... A couple I came across a fair while ago are meant to describe the feeling you get when you enter a search into Google and find yourself faced  with millions of pages to troll through.  What do you think of the words gazillionised and info-whelmed? Descriptive?  Or otherwise? 

Language is a wonderful thing, isn't it? 

Wednesday, 3 August 2022

Weblinks from Common Sense Education site

 Please take a look below for a few links that may be of some interest to you. The GameMaker one could possibly be used in the Digital Tech Electives, was my thought?  

Anyway - have a browse, see what you think.  These are a cut n paste from the Common Sense Education website, which has lots more ideas on it as well. 

Here are a few of our newest Common Sense Selections for Learning:

  • Buncee (Free and Paid): This presentation tool perfectly blends top-notch learning content—including great pre-made SEL lessons—with a friendly design that makes it a delight to use every day. 
  • GameMaker (Free): This tool makes it easy for kids to go from playing games to making them. What's more: It can work equally well for novices and experts—even some pros use it to create and publish their games!
  • iCivics (Free): This classic collection of social studies and civics-related games comes with a ton of teacher materials. And while the games vary in style and depth, they all bring to life topics that can seem abstract at first.
  • Kialo Edu (Free): If you're looking to help students fight against their biases and consider all sides of a debatable issue, then Kialo Edu is worth a look. It offers a collaborative and pretty neat visual system for how to break down a tough topic. 
  • Quizizz (Free and Paid): This one's been on our radar for years and has steadily climbed the ranks. Now, among the dozens of other options for quizzing, Quizizz stands alone. We love its customizability, and how it can now function as a quiz tool or a lesson delivery platform. It's even got video and audio responses.

Friday, 29 July 2022

Fact Check Explorer tool

 I found this on the Australian Teacher Librarian website and thought I'd share it with you. 

It could be handy for anyone checking on whether something is 'fake news' or misinformation.  I usually use - but this one could be easier for students to navigate.

Monday, 25 July 2022

Semester 2 2022.

Welcome back - Semester 2 and here we go again. 

The new timetable is out and I have updated the booking sheets - hopefully I have it right.    Any extra bookings that teachers may have had last semester are now cleared, so if you need something, it is a first come, first served basis. 

A reminder that the keys to the laptop trolley in the Science lab need to be booked/checked out through me so that they don't grow little legs and disappear. 

Also a reminder that if you are looking for anything that may have screened on TV, I can have a look and see if I can access it from our TV4ED system and download if possible. 

Any questions, please ask.  

You've got this!!

Friday, 24 June 2022

End of Semester One

 School break is upon us!  

Make the most of it - and enjoy some quality reading time.  Research suggests it calms the mind and lowers the blood pressure - something we could all probably do with about now. 

See you all back here for Semester 2 - bright-eyed and bushy tailed.  

Thursday, 12 May 2022

Freerice Game - with a myriad of categories to try out.

An oldie but a goodie - Freerice is an educational online game that helps kids with Vocabulary, Maths - including Times Tables and Basic Maths - along with a wide range of extra categories, such as: Flags, Countries, Ancient History, Movies, Quotations, Chemical Symbols, Biology, Languages, Foods of the World, Current Affairs.... 

For each correct answer, 10 grains of rice are donated to feed people dealing with famine in Third World countries through the United Nations World Food program.  

The best part? The game is self-levelling so it adjusts to the level the kids are working at, but keeps making it a little more challenging to increase their capabilities, without making it so hard that they don't want to do it. I realise that many of the subjects probably sound out of the park for a lot of our kids - but because it adjusts to their level, it isn't beyond the realms of possibility.

This could be useful in most learning areas - maybe a class competition? Teams to compete against each other?  Hmm - maybe a teacher competition??  😉

Check it out when you get a moment. 

Wednesday, 11 May 2022

Purple People Eaters.

 (Re posting this as it accidentally got deleted!) 

One of our recent activities with our beautiful Special Ed group was making Purple People Eaters - and playing the song along with actions .. which certainly tickled Isiah's fancy!

Ms. Squires spent the weekend making the purple pompoms we needed as I couldn't source them in town - and I think they turned out way better than they would have been with just ordinary pompoms.  We added blue or pink wings to these and 1 big googly eye along with a glittery horn in either pink or blue to match the wings.  These all went together using the magic of Glue Dots - to make a whole 'flock?'/'herd?'/'company?' of Purple People Eaters. 

I've sent the song link through to Ms. Juliet for the class to listen to again - and we all think that it would be a great idea if Ms. Fransina would demonstrate the song and the actions for us all.     ðŸ˜‰ðŸ˜‰

Tuesday, 10 May 2022

Game Based Learning Articles from Edutopia

Okay - a bit of a hiccup to the start of Term 2 - nothing is ever meant to be easy but let's get this back on track again.  

Below are some links from Edutopia - mainly about Game-Based Learning.  As I am not a teacher, I have no idea of how useful these could be, but I am just tossing it out there for you on the off chance that there may be something that you can use. It is a US based site and probably a 'slightly' different clientele than ours, but you never know – there may be a small gem you can use or adapt for your needs.

Friday, 25 March 2022

Please note!

This has been a tough week .. or weeks even - so this is just a very quick post to remind you all that you are truly wonderful  and fantastic  - and that, whether you realise it or not - you have GOT this. 

 The weekend is here - and we have 2 weeks to go to Term break.   We can do this!

Just carry on being the AWESOME people that you are!

Tuesday, 15 March 2022

Earth Hour 2022

This year Earth Hour has partnered with Cool Australia to create an extensive curriculum toolkit. Teachers can download lesson plans, digital worksheets, Smartboard activities and a host of other resources to teach lessons that will last a lifetime.

Earth Hour is a WWF-Australia initiative, and is the world’s largest community-driven climate change campaign. At the center of Earth Hour is switching off lights to show a commitment to taking action. Thousands of teachers use Earth Hour’s education program to enrich their curriculum and provide pathways for young people to create change in their world.

Download the Earth Hour starter kit for your school: Earth Hour for Schools  and check out the link below for a range of curriculum ideas and activities.

Handy Weblinks for Teachers & Students!/home

Above are a few weblinks that may be helpful for either teachers or students.  Two are history based and the other is our ABC education page - which covers a large range of materials.  Check them out if you have a free moment or two.  There is also a link with 12 Ideas for teaching with QR Codes.  

Friday, 4 March 2022

 Just a couple of Edutopia links to round off the week and give you something to think about.  I also have the Edutopia site on the Blog Roll on the right hand side of the post, as there is lots more there to check out, if you are interested.

Thursday, 3 March 2022

Snopes and Fact Checking

 Just a reminder that you can always get your students onto to check out the truth - or otherwise - about things that appear on Facebook, or all over the Internet.  

Below are a couple of links to some of the more current things that people have been asking about recently - but there is so much more to be found.  Take a look at the Crystal Pyramid one if you get a moment.

Tuesday, 1 March 2022

Some Special Days for March

There are a few Special days coming up in March to remember.  World Storytelling Day/World Poetry Day and International Day of Forests for a start.   I have links below for people to check them out, if they wish.

Then we have National Day of Unplugging - and also Pi Day for those Maths people among us.  Links are added below.

Added to this is March being designated as International Ideas Month and also Craft Month.  

Monday, 14 February 2022

Not Just Valentine's Day today!

Library Lovers' Day 2022

About Library Lovers' Day....

Remember the wonder you experienced when you first discovered something as a child? Maybe it was an idea, a place in nature, new understanding, or the pure joy of becoming lost in a new imaginary game for hours.

This feeling of childlike joy is the feeling that we're encouraging people to remember on this Library Lovers' Day through the theme: 'Show the love'.

It's a day to remember that our libraries are a place where we can get lost in an idea we are following, find an adventure we are seeking in a book, discover more about an issue we feel passionate about or get help from someone about something we want to know. These are all the reasons (and SO much more) to celebrate the valuable roles libraries play in our lives and to re-engage with our libraries and 'show the love'.

Resources & Weblinks from Edutopia

Below are some weblinks from the Edutopia site.  This is a USA based site, but it has some interesting ideas and activities that look good for classes.  I am not teacher trained though - so I just put them here, and let the experts (all of you) rifle through for anything useful.  

Take a look when you have a little spare time and check them out.  I have also mentioned it on the Blog List on the main page, so you can check them out for yourself.

Friday, 4 February 2022

Here we go - 2022!

Welcome to 2022 - and whatever that will bring for us all!   It has been an interesting couple of years so far! 

A big welcome to our new staff as well.  And please don't listen to any scary stories that the other staff tell you about me - it's all fibs!  I am truly the sweetest person around here!  

Please see below for a brief run through of what is available/offered through the Library.  If you have any questions, please just ask and any suggestions would be appreciated as well. 

"Below is a list of some of what we can help you with. I put this list up each year, so if you go back through the posts, it is all there. Anything else? If there is something that you think we can help with, just come and have a chat. We have learned to be fairly good at pulling rabbits out of hats and we also like a challenge - most days anyway!  

  • Looking for a particular book or resource? Come and talk to us. We can organise an Inter-library-Loan or help you find where to purchase it.
  • Resources: Books, DVDs, Magazines and Newspapers, iPad sets, Digital Cameras, Video Recorders, Computer Mice sets, Data Projectors, Teacher Reference, Chess sets,.. 
  • IWB area and a bank of computers, as well as laptops that are available to be booked for classes.  The B3/B4 laptop trolley is only to be used in the Library area, however.
  • Help with research, proofreading of assignments, suggestions for books to read - we are your people.
  • A place to display your amazing class work.
  • Collation of websites and ideas for subjects/classes
  • Booking sheets for: Library areas, F Block Laptops, Headphones, iPads and now for the Computer Room as well. 

Students have a 3 week borrowing period while staff have a month. For most of the resources, we can adjust the loaning period for whatever is needed - at least till the end of term. However, this doesn't include the AV materials - that is a 1 week loan period only.

The school also subscribes to the TV4Ed system so if you are looking for something that has been screened on TV at some point, let me know and I will do my best to find it and put it on the school system for you to access.  This often solves the problem of staggering and buffering while streaming the program.  I can usually have the required programs up on the system within 24 hours - assuming that they are available on TV4ED, of course. "

So ... here's wishing you all an awesome term/year with lots of books and reading involved.  Let me know any way that I can be of help to you this year.