My Blog List

Monday, 14 February 2022

Not Just Valentine's Day today!

Library Lovers' Day 2022

About Library Lovers' Day....

Remember the wonder you experienced when you first discovered something as a child? Maybe it was an idea, a place in nature, new understanding, or the pure joy of becoming lost in a new imaginary game for hours.

This feeling of childlike joy is the feeling that we're encouraging people to remember on this Library Lovers' Day through the theme: 'Show the love'.

It's a day to remember that our libraries are a place where we can get lost in an idea we are following, find an adventure we are seeking in a book, discover more about an issue we feel passionate about or get help from someone about something we want to know. These are all the reasons (and SO much more) to celebrate the valuable roles libraries play in our lives and to re-engage with our libraries and 'show the love'.

Resources & Weblinks from Edutopia

Below are some weblinks from the Edutopia site.  This is a USA based site, but it has some interesting ideas and activities that look good for classes.  I am not teacher trained though - so I just put them here, and let the experts (all of you) rifle through for anything useful.  

Take a look when you have a little spare time and check them out.  I have also mentioned it on the Blog List on the main page, so you can check them out for yourself.

Friday, 4 February 2022

Here we go - 2022!

Welcome to 2022 - and whatever that will bring for us all!   It has been an interesting couple of years so far! 

A big welcome to our new staff as well.  And please don't listen to any scary stories that the other staff tell you about me - it's all fibs!  I am truly the sweetest person around here!  

Please see below for a brief run through of what is available/offered through the Library.  If you have any questions, please just ask and any suggestions would be appreciated as well. 

"Below is a list of some of what we can help you with. I put this list up each year, so if you go back through the posts, it is all there. Anything else? If there is something that you think we can help with, just come and have a chat. We have learned to be fairly good at pulling rabbits out of hats and we also like a challenge - most days anyway!  

  • Looking for a particular book or resource? Come and talk to us. We can organise an Inter-library-Loan or help you find where to purchase it.
  • Resources: Books, DVDs, Magazines and Newspapers, iPad sets, Digital Cameras, Video Recorders, Computer Mice sets, Data Projectors, Teacher Reference, Chess sets,.. 
  • IWB area and a bank of computers, as well as laptops that are available to be booked for classes.  The B3/B4 laptop trolley is only to be used in the Library area, however.
  • Help with research, proofreading of assignments, suggestions for books to read - we are your people.
  • A place to display your amazing class work.
  • Collation of websites and ideas for subjects/classes
  • Booking sheets for: Library areas, F Block Laptops, Headphones, iPads and now for the Computer Room as well. 

Students have a 3 week borrowing period while staff have a month. For most of the resources, we can adjust the loaning period for whatever is needed - at least till the end of term. However, this doesn't include the AV materials - that is a 1 week loan period only.

The school also subscribes to the TV4Ed system so if you are looking for something that has been screened on TV at some point, let me know and I will do my best to find it and put it on the school system for you to access.  This often solves the problem of staggering and buffering while streaming the program.  I can usually have the required programs up on the system within 24 hours - assuming that they are available on TV4ED, of course. "

So ... here's wishing you all an awesome term/year with lots of books and reading involved.  Let me know any way that I can be of help to you this year.