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Wednesday, 21 September 2022

Banned Books Week

Banned Books Week is from 18th Sept to 24th Sept and is about censorship and not allowing people the freedom to read, understand and make their own choices.  

The theme for 2022 is:  'Books Unite Us, Censorship Divides Us'.  

Currently there is a small display up in the Library about banned books - mainly just with the titles that we have in the school.  These are not books that are currently banned - but are ones that HAVE been banned at some point, along with the reasoning as to why they were banned.  I haven't added the Bible to this, as we no longer have it on the shelf - but even that has been banned at some point.  

Surprisingly, the display has generated some discussion (and even indignation) from a number of our students - which is fantastic!

Edutopia Weblinks on Reading and Literacy

A couple of articles from the Edutopia website on Literacy, Reading and using comics and Graphic Novels.  

Using Comics and Graphic Novels to Support Literacy | Edutopia

Is it Time to Drop ‘Finding the Main Idea’ and Teach Reading in a New Way? | Edutopia

Take a look if you get a few moments and see what you think.