The National Year of Reading (NYR) will be launched on 14th February and will run all year with various programs and events. Why a National Year of Reading? Here in Australia, nearly half the population struggles without having the literacy skills to meet the most basic demands of everyday life and work. 46% of Australians cannot read newspapers, follow a recipe or understand the instructions on a medicine bottle.
Considering that most newspapers are supposedly written for a 12year old level – this is scary!
One of the suggestions was to spend 2012 seconds each week – or each month - reading as a class, either silently or out loud. 2012 seconds equals about 33 mins so that would be a small part of a class block. Maybe we could get people from the community top come in and read to the classes? Have staff reading to classes that they don’t usually teach? Project the stories up on the IWB and read from there? The Library has e-books and iPads available for class use so maybe that would a ‘techy’ way to promote and run this.
Something else that could be incorporated is “Are we there yet?” This is a fun, educational activity for under 12s and their families, which is based on Alison Lester’s book, which tells the story of her family’s journey around Australia in a camper van. The idea is that you get to write in to tell NYR about your home town – or a special place that you have visited in Australia. By sending in a short story/letter/drawing of your favourite place, you could win a fabulous prize. Ask your teacher or parents to help. This competition will move around Australia on a month-by-month basis – starting here in the Northern Territory on the 14th February and ending in Victoria.
Teachers, this is something that could be included as part of reading and literacy skills. Read the book to them, ask the questions and write about the places. Although this is aimed at Primary school – we can do a display in the Library of the stories and drawings.
Another activity that will be happening August 25th is the Read Hour. This is to promote the idea that EVERYONE would benefit from reading for at least an hour a week. Some ideas are as simple as:
· Sharing a book with your child for 10 mins a day
· Getting together with friends to read and talk about your favourite books
· Get some of that work/life balance by reading a book during breaks
· Including a reading hour in the school week.
The link for the NYR website is included below. Check it out for more ideas and programs. Any ideas about things we could run across both schools, please contact Library Staff. We would LOVE to help out.
Wishing you all a wonderful start back at school and we will be back with more ideas and news. If you have anything you would like up on the blog from your class or if you have any questions or ideas, please talk to us.
Remember this blog is to promote what is going on in the library and our schools. It can also be used for interesting ideas, to put them out and get some talking going on amongst colleagues, friends and families across the world. Not just in our little town.
All the best for 2012. Let’s make it a great year for learning
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