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Tuesday, 31 January 2017

2017 and a new school year.

New Year, new start - isn't that the phrase?  Certainly a new start here in the Library - or it will be once we get everything sorted after being flooded due to the heavy rains during the holiday break.  We have had a large part of the carpet ripped out due to mould and the rest will go soon, when the new flooring goes down.  
I had been talking about a revamp of the Library space and it appears that the Universe decided to help out. 

Books and resources are scattered in various places at the moment - and although I have a fair idea as to where to find what - please don't expect miracles.   
There are also a few issues with printers, phones and so on - again probably to do with the flooding, so please be patient.

For the new staff some information about the Library and what we (usually) offer is below, but if anyone has any queries, please come and see me.  I will need to get all your names and details anyway to add you to the library system so you can borrow. 

Below is a list of some of what we can help you with. I put this list up each year, so if you go back through the posts, it is all there. Anything else? If there is something that you think we can help with, just come and have a chat. We have learned to be fairly good at pulling rabbits out of hats and we also like a challenge.  (Although maybe no challenges just yet till the Library is running the way it should)
  • Looking for a particular book or resource? Come and talk to us. We can organise an Inter-library-Loan or help you find where to purchase it.
  • Resources: Books, DVDs, Magazines and Newspapers, iPad sets, Digital Cameras, Video Recorders, Computer Mice sets, Data Projectors, Teacher Reference, Board games, Chess sets, Kits........
  • IWB area and a bank of computers, as well as laptops that are available to be booked for classes.  The Library laptop trolley is only to be used in the Library area, however.
  • Help with research, proofreading of assignments, suggestions for books to read - we are your people.
  • A place to display your amazing class work.
  • Collation of websites for subjects/classes
  • Booking sheets for: Library areas, F Block Laptops, Headphones, Ipads.
Students have a 2 week borrowing period while staff have a month. For most of the resources, we can adjust the loaning period for whatever is needed - at least till the end of term. However, this doesn't include the AV materials - that is a 1 week loan period only.

The school also subscribes to the TV4Ed system so if you are looking for something that has been screened on TV at some point, let me know and I can find it and put it on the school system for you to access.  
However, the subscription was recently upgraded so you can access a wide collection of YouTube materials that have been collated for schools and following the National Curriculum Framework.  Hopefully we can organise a training through TV4Ed soon, so you can all do your own searching.

So ... wishing you all an awesome term with lots of books and reading involved.

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