Curation - What
the heck is that?? And doesn't curation therefore need a curator? Well,
yes it does.
So ... following
on down that path - what’s a curator? Not exactly what you might think.
In today's world, curation is no longer a job for tweedy professors,
carefully arranging flint arrowheads by size. Today, online curation is a
matter of speedy, selective contextualising. It’s more than just collecting
content, it’s a matter of giving the chosen content added meaning, along with a
reason to have been selected in the first place.
Out of a
fast-flowing river of news and information, "curators are the zen-like
bears, sitting amid the chaos, selectively plucking out the juiciest, shiniest
salmon and then explaining which bits to eat." (From
Brought down to the shiniest brass tacks, curation is the
collection, storing, sorting and dissemination of information. You
find it, you store it in a safe place (that you won't forget), you sort it into
something suitable to use with your class and then you share it with them to
use for their studies.
Below are a few free on-line curation tools you may like to
consider as a 'safe place' to store 'your stuff'. Rather like a online
version of a vertical file, for those of us who can remember back that far.
Have a look, see what you think.
* Clipix :
* LiveBinders :
* :